Marc Gravely is an award-winning construction lawyer and one of an elite group of U.S. infrastructure attorneys. He founded and leads a Dallas-headquartered national law firm, Gravely Attorneys and Counselors, focused on serious construction litigation on behalf of private and government property owners, with multiple nine-figure cases to his credit.
His book: Reframing America’s Infrastructure – A Ruins to Renaissance Playbook, achieved bestseller status on Amazon within two weeks of its 2022 launch.
Marc is a highly rated speaker on construction and infrastructure topics, including a recent presentation at the MENSA World Gathering. He frequently provides commentary and context for legal, business, and mainstream media outlets and bloggers on infrastructure and construction issues.
The Book
A Captivating Dive Into Our Potential As A Nation

America will hit its 250th year mark in 2026, reaching what some scholars list as the average lifespan of leading civilizations throughout history. A look into trends preceding the passing of the torch reveals the staggering impact infrastructure has on the success and demise of nations.
In Reframing America’s Infrastructure Texas mega-lawyer and infrastructure frontman Marc Gravely illustrates the inspiring power of innovation and the chilling risks of inaction.
Gravely posits that robust investments in infrastructure foreshadow a powerful economy, national security, and world leadership.
Exploring the current state of American infrastructure systems across the board – from highways, buildings, and waterways to ecosystem resilience and space engineering, the author projects our current condition onto a backdrop of patterns circling the rise and fall of leading civilizations before us.
In three parts, Reframing America’s Infrastructure delivers a thorough examination of global infrastructure history, a vast assembly of present-day issues, and thought provoking, tangible opportunities to advance our society, economy, and position as a world leader.
Author Gravely calls to action Congress, state officials, industry leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs, voters and those who spread the word to reverse our course of a cheap and fast approach to infrastructure to seek incremental progress.
Says Gravely,
“Future generations are depending on the social conscience of current decision makers and the cumulative effects of every choice…
Perspective is fundamental as we define priorities and develop plans, strengthening the U.S. economy and our quality of life moving forward.”
A thoroughly researched, if sometimes daunting, technical survey. Expertly balancing readability and technology… Gravely’s book more than succeeds in making its argument that “the future of America depends on the decisions we make today.”
– Kirkus Reviews
A must-read for anyone seeking an evidenced understanding of infrastructure’s impact on a nation’s community, environment, and security. With far-reaching perspective, Gravely weights our current state of affairs against the global patterns of infrastructure’s evolution and demise across history, honing in on our most immediate priorities and offering tactile solutions.
– Medium